The SOF staircase was a design build project to create a connection between the Student Organic Farm and Clemson Universities greater campus.
The Student Organic Farm {SOF} Staircase was designed to connect the SOF directly to Clemson University Campus. Though the farm boarders the campus, there is no pedestrian access and vehicular access is long and out-of-the-way. This severely limits the SOF’s ability to host events, such as their annual Farm Aid Festival, and connect to the students of the university
As part of a Creative Inquiry, Professor Dan Harding and a team of 5 undergraduate students {including myself} tackled this project as full design and build. We spend the first half of the Fall 2011 semester designing the stair. Our mantra for the project was “connectivity, accessibility, and sustainability”.
The original design called for a lookout porch that turned into an ADA accessibly ramp that took one straight to the main farm buildings. But, due to a lack of funds, we simplified our immediate design into a stair with a lookout point. But, we continued to spec-out the ramp design for future farm construction. This project received a 2011 SEED Structures for Inclusion Honorable Mention.